Sebagian besar orang hanya memikirkan kesuksesan setiap kali mereka melakukan pekerjaan, tidak terpikirkan akan kegagalan. Sebenarnya, segala hal ihwal tidak ada yang mulus atau dapat dipecahkan dengan mudah, ini berarti bahwa jika ingin sukses dalam setiap hal, maka harus menghadapi kegagalan. Artinya, orang yang tidak berani menghadapi kegagalan, maka sulit untuk memperoleh harapan akan keberhasilan.
Fakta membuktikan, bahwa kesuksesan sejumlah besar orang hebat di dunia dalam setiap perjalanan hidupnya, pasti diperolehnya dengan mengalami sekali, dua kali bahkan berkali-kali kegagalan yang tak terhitung banyaknya. Pepatah mengatakan: “Kegagalan adalah induk kesuksesan.”
Masalahnya, bahwa orang-orang hanya tahu mengejar kesuksesan semata-mata, namun mengabaikan kegagalan, sehingga begitu menemui kegagalan, lantas menjadi kecewa dan patah semangat, putus asa, atau pesimis. Tidak bisa lagi membangkitkan semangat untuk bekerja lebih keras, akhirnya acap kali putus di tengah jalan, dan sangat disayangkan.
Benar, kegagalan adalah batu sandungan keberhasilan, namun ia juga merupakan tangga untuk menuju ke jalan kesuksesan. Ada pepatah orang dahulu yang mengatakan: “Kakek miskin kehilangan kuda, bagaimana tahu bukan berkah?” Oleh karena itu, kita jangan takut gagal, setelah gagal malah harus lebih giat lagi berjuang, mencari sumber kegagalan, berusaha mencoba, mencari kunci kegagalan, begitu terus berusaha, suatu hari kelak pasti ada harapan berhasil.
Tokoh terkenal dunia Napoleon mengatakan, “Kemuliaan dalam kehidupan bukan terletak pada ketidakgagalan abadi, namun dapat bangkit kembali setelah jatuh. Seorang pecatur yang hebat, jika bukan mengalami pengalaman yang gagal, bertekad menyelidiki sumber penyebab kegagalan, menghayati pelajaran dari kegagalan, kemudian diperbaiki, mana mungkin bisa menjadi pecatur yang digembleng berkali-kali. Oleh karena itu, jangan membiarkan kegagalan menaklukkan kita.” Kalimat ini sangat dalam artinya, dan layak kita renungkan.
Kegagalan yang dialami oleh sejumlah besar orang, bukan berarti jarak jalan keberhasilan mereka masih sangat jauh, melainkan sudah hampir tercapai, hanya saja mereka tidak mempunyai kesabaran berusaha berjuang lagi. Sebenarnya, kegagalan sedang menguji kesempatan kita, orang yang tahan cobaan kenyataan hidup akan menjadi seorang yang sukses. Orang yang tidak tahan akan cobaan kenyataan hidup, selamanya adalah orang yang gagal.
Kegagalan hanya bisa di atasi dengan cara "BERSABAR" serta mau berusaha dengan lebih keras lagi dari yang pernah kita lakukan selama ini. Semoga kita semua dapat mencapai apa yang kita inginkan dan Allah SWT. Merestuinya
Sabtu, 07 November 2009
Selasa, 03 November 2009
How to Control 7 years Old
Is your 7 year old kid out of control and you are simply struggling to control his/her behavior at home, school or anywhere out in public ? Well, you are not alone, 7 year old kids are hard to control and many parents simply struggle. Maybe some of you simply don't have the time to discipline your 7 year old the way you would like to simply because you are working flat out, or maybe you are just not sure what to do to discipline and control your 7 year old kid.
Disciplining your 7 year old can be a battle, and we must patience, 7 year old kids actually seems to be another trouble age that comes before teens and i believe that the 7 year olds are the toughest to discipline and control. But, there are ways to control 7 year old kids and there is an excellent system developed and aimed at disciplining and controlling children aged between 7 year old and 14 year olds and you Can Find More Info About This Page Here...
I tell you what, i have a 7 year old boy myself and he was quite a hand full! Whenever we went out shopping there would always be tantrums after tantrums that we had to deal with, he wanted everything in the store just like any 7 year old kids do! And the winding and tantrums never stopped no matter what we tried so eventually we used to give in. Now, since we tried this child control system we slowly worked trough it and without even realizing it our 7 year old now obeys everything he is told and there are no more tantrums and no more whining and embarrassment in public and getting told to control your kid! It's such a relief having all this stop. This child control system has taught us methods of controlling young 7 year old kids that we would never have even thought of before we used this system!
If you are a parent of a child between 7 year old and 14 years old we highly recommend you try this system, you will appreciate the relief of having your child finally under full control and dealing with bad behavior and tantrums will no longer be needed as your child will obey everything you say! Thank god for this system!
Author: James Tame
Disciplining your 7 year old can be a battle, and we must patience, 7 year old kids actually seems to be another trouble age that comes before teens and i believe that the 7 year olds are the toughest to discipline and control. But, there are ways to control 7 year old kids and there is an excellent system developed and aimed at disciplining and controlling children aged between 7 year old and 14 year olds and you Can Find More Info About This Page Here...
I tell you what, i have a 7 year old boy myself and he was quite a hand full! Whenever we went out shopping there would always be tantrums after tantrums that we had to deal with, he wanted everything in the store just like any 7 year old kids do! And the winding and tantrums never stopped no matter what we tried so eventually we used to give in. Now, since we tried this child control system we slowly worked trough it and without even realizing it our 7 year old now obeys everything he is told and there are no more tantrums and no more whining and embarrassment in public and getting told to control your kid! It's such a relief having all this stop. This child control system has taught us methods of controlling young 7 year old kids that we would never have even thought of before we used this system!
If you are a parent of a child between 7 year old and 14 years old we highly recommend you try this system, you will appreciate the relief of having your child finally under full control and dealing with bad behavior and tantrums will no longer be needed as your child will obey everything you say! Thank god for this system!
Author: James Tame